Over the past year, music, while not having fallen to the wayside, has taken a bit of a backseat in my life for reasons I don’t quite comprehend yet. It’s not as if I’d really listened to less music, but my yearning and urge to discover new, interesting music dropped considerably, which, as a result, also saw fewer updates to this site I update only vaguely anyhow.
Perhaps it’s hearing a few new albums that get me excited about new music being released that’s done the trick. In the last week, I’ve made more of an effort to hear new music than in the past six months, which, I must say, is a bit of a shame. Here’s a short list of a few albums that I’ve been listening to recently — perhaps reviews will come soon.
Charles Spearin — Happiness
Phoenix — Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
The Mountain Goats and John Vanderslice — Moon Colony Bloodbath
Grizzly Bear — Veckatimest
The Rural Alberta Advantage — Hometowns
Leaves — We Are Shadows
Maybe all I needed was something to be excited about again, but after an unnecessary hiatus, I’m ready to write again.