Today Minus the Bear have premiered “My Time,” the first track from their upcoming album, Omni, due May 4, 2010. Immediately noticeable is the lack of guitar playing from Dave Knudson which we hear none of on the first track. Instead, Knudson has integrated a new instrument into their arrangement: the Omnichord. With the introduction of the Omnichord and lack of guitar, Knudson brings a much stronger pop sound to the track than ever before. We’re unsure of what to expect for the rest of the album, but it is likely that we will still hear the guitar on the other tracks based on Dave Knudson’s chat with Spinner.
Minus the Bear debut track “My Time” for their upcoming album
Minus the Bear will be performing songs from their new album at SXSW Music Festival, as well as Sasquatch! Music Festival. They will also begin their tour starting in April. Tour dates have yet to be announced, but you can keep an eye out for updates on their website,